About AFR

Alex Athanas
... is our in-house artist and gaming comrade.


Ramon Perez
Here is our homage to the artworks crafted by the creative genius known as Ramón K. Pérez. The illustrations below are several selected pieces found within the pages of the Rifts RPG. Before the creation of this certain website, there were no other places on the internet that displayed the work of Mr. Perez with any sort of respect for the intricacies of his work. So, being the RPG (and fantasy) illustration connoisseurs that we are, we decided to scan some of our favorite Perez illustrations and present them here for your enjoyment. Suffice it to say we are ever humbled by his seemingly limitless talent.

Character Portraits
At Origins 2004, we were able to secure 5 personal character portraits drawn by the master himself! Being able to watch Ramon work was quite the treat as he penciled and inked the illustrations below.


Ever gracious and accommodating, Ramon was able to take time off of a busy convention schedule to provide these two commissioned drawings at the 2007 Palladium Books Open House.
Apollo Okamura
... was also available at Origins 2004 and Isaac commissioned these two additional character portraits. A third was commissioned at the 2006 Palladium Open House.
Palladium Books
Open House 2007

... saw the addition of two more commissioned illustrations, one from the Manning Brothers (left) and the other from Mike Mumah.