Aranor Aelsavideth
Prophecy of the Na’Runes
times high, two times low. Under the sight of stars you will cry,
between tinged shadows of forests green and hills hollow. A dark
fathom from day, nothing can be seen for the futureless. Be sure
to keep your heart wild. The sons of Janus will not forever be at
war. From your beginnings will you find might.”
OCC: 14th Level Battle Magus
RCC: High Elf
MDC: 172 (472 with armor) PPE: 208 CHI: 69
IQ:12 ME:14 MA:12 Perception: 13 PS:34 PP:31 PE:26 PB: 28 Spd: 45 Luck:
Martial Art: Dance of the Glittering Spirals
Actions Per Melee: 14 Physical
Bonuses: +24 init w/swords, +18 strike w/Sword, +22 Parry w/Sword, Crit
18,19,20, +15 Dodge, +5 vs Magic +40% Coma/Death, +20 aimed strike w spells,
+8 init w/spells +12 parry spells
OCC: 14th level Mystic Herbalist
RCC: High Elf
MDC: 118 PPE: 125
IQ: 23 ME: 11 MA: 13 Perception: 15 PS:12 PP: 15 PE: 12 PB: 28 Spd: 21
Luck: 17
Martial Art: Expert
Actions Per Melee: 6
Bonuses: +2 strike, +3 parry, +3 dodge, Crit 18,19,20 Archery: +5 strike,
+1 parry, Anti-Magic Wand: +6 vs Magic
RCC: High Elf IQ: 11 (17) ME: 12 MA: 12 Perception: 13 PS: 18 (24) PP:
19 (25) PE: 13 (19) PB: 24 (29) Spd: 26 (32) Luck 4 |